Kansas Health Science University – Updates on COVID-19 (Corona Virus) Outbreak

As many of you know, the World Health Organization has officially identified the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak a pandemic.  The first related death specific to COVID-19 in Kansas was reported on March 12, 2020, and Governor Kelly has made an emergency declaration for the state.

We take this situation very seriously at KHSU and our team is working in partnership with our TCS colleagues and partner college presidents/leaders to closely monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 developments around the world and specifically in Kansas where we live and work.

The following are some of the steps that KHSU has taken so far:

  • A weekly team meeting occurs across all KHSU employees where updates specific to COVID-19 can be shared.
  • Twice weekly meetings with The Community Solution colleagues and college presidents/leaders of affiliate colleges is underway to monitor developments, share updates, and ensure KHSU business continuity plans are set for deployment.
  • A campus closure plan has been developed if any employee or office member is exposed to or tests positive for COVID-19.
  • Technology supports are deployed in case KHSU needs to close for the safety of our community.
  • Ill employees have been asked to stay home until completely recovered, which includes a 48-hour period without fever before returning to work.
  • Employee domestic travel has been discontinued until further notice.

Employees are reminded to use preventative measures to avoid the spread of illness and we will continue to monitor this situation closely.  Our decisions and strategy are being guided by state and local information in addition to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This is a sensitive time for our community, nation, and world.  We will continue to keep abreast of the situation and move flexibly as new information arises with a continued commitment to our employees and the community.